



Parish Priority Statement

Kingston Parish Council (KPC) will submit a Parish Priority Statement (PPS) to The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) at the end of January. The SDNPA are drawing up the next local plan for The National Park, in which Kingston sits. In order to feed into this process, we are conducting a survey so we can draw up a PPS to express what residents of Kingston would like to see happen in our community. This survey is being launched on the 4th December and the deadline for returning surveys will be the 20th December.

There are several ways residents can access the survey.

An online survey can be completed by scanning the QR code below.

We will also distribute paper copies to each household which can be completed and returned to the Parish Clerk at the Pavilion.



The survey can also be accessed by clicking the link below

https://Kingston Parish Priority Statement Survey


What next

Once the survey forms have been received our partners, Action in Rural Sussex, will collate the results and a draft PPS will be drawn up. This will be posted on the KPC website and Parish notice boards. KPC will then hold several consultations on the draft PPS in early January 2024 before compiling and submitting the final version by the deadline.

If you require further information and cannot find the answer on the website, please contact the clerk at the Community Pavilion or email

If you think you know someone who may not have seen this notice, or who may benefit with help from the Council to participate in this survey, again, please contact the clerk or councillors.

Thank you in anticipation

Kingston Parish Council