
Kingston Parish Noticeboard Email Mailing List

Kingston Parish Council are setting up a Kingston email distribution list to improve our communication and engagement with you all.

By joining the Parish Notice Board you will receive details of our meetings, copies of our agendas and minutes, current planning applications for consideration and important notices. It will also provide you with news and updates from Lewes District Council, East Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park.

The Parish Council would also like to promote social events planned for the village. So if you are a member of a local community group and are planning an event please send a copy of your promotional material to the clerk and it will be distributed it to members of the mailing list.

The distribution list is not for business advertising/promotion so please do not request this.

If you would like to join the distribution list please send your name, address and email to

Please pass this message onto any Kingston resident who may be interested to join.

Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!